Moving Image

Tactile World

Silverfish examines the biomechanical development and enforcement of uniformity upon humans in the 21st century. We now find it unusual to operate without the assistance of our digital extensions and are constantly “wired in” and connected to the internet. This connectivity creates a spider web of relationships between everyone in the world. As a byproduct, uniformity and the death of ego runs rampant, sinking our individuality deeper and deeper. However, this also indicates that we live on forever, bits and pieces of us sustaining and living on as growths on those we have influenced as well as people that we may have never even seen. And as we begin to birth digital twins, we once again seek to leave our mark upon them—ultimately creating a biomechanical being that is the representation of both the individual and the group that will last long past humanity’s demise: just like the silverfish.


False titans

An examination of the human race's growing ego facilitated by technology; an ego that has slowly become uniform across individuals in the confines of their own homes. Do we truly have anything unique anymore? In the world’s attempts to standardize everything and create universality across nations, we have arrived at a scary sense of uniformity between egos.

Technology is simultaneously a wondrous, yet dangerous entity. False Wonder seeks to address the duality of man in the age of wires and technology. We find wonder and enjoyment consistently in technological advancement, but this productivity has seemed to leave behind a trail of harm in its wake. It has an addictive nature alike to nicotine. We can’t live without it—without being wired up.

False wonder


Sensation is a post-photographic piece made to explore the hierarchy of the five senses in modernity. During an age where everyone is a digital native, what are the implications of the human experience? Every medium is consumed primarily through sight and sound. Has it always been this way or is this a new development? Only time will tell, but it seems that vision is the seed of all experiences these days.

Art and the screen

Art and the Screen is a 3D visual work that seeks to inspire discussion on the future of art and its present nature in relation to its history. All artwork in the present, no matter how grounded in reality they may seem, now lives in an abstract and liminal space owing to the development of technology. Every piece of work is sucked into the digital space that we now call home—no matter the medium—and becomes part of the endless catalog of inspiration for future generations. I see art metaphorically as a vast, amorphous body of water that drowns individual works, and this nature exists behind a screen that acts like a being of infinite storage and knowledge.


Graphic Design